Over thirty fellowships have been awarded since 2011.
Most fellows have continued to pursue an academic career, and four of them went to the private sector:
- Marcelo Alvisio, recipient of the 2014 award, PhD in Mathematics, is now in the private sector.
- Michael Barnett, PhD in the joint program in Financial Economics at the University of Chicago, received the 2018 award.
- Ahmed Bou-Rabee, PhD in Statistics, The University of Chicago, received the 2022 award.
- Thomas Bourany, PhD student in Economics at the University of Chicago received the 2024 award.
- Manav Chaudhary, PhD student in the Joint Program in Financial Economics, received the 2024 award.
- Aditya Chaudhry, PhD student in Finance, University of Chicago Booth School of Business.
- Dachuan Chen, PhD student at the University of Illinois at Chicago, received the 2018 award.
- Richard Chen, PhD Candidate in Statistics, University of Chicago, received the 2019 award.
- Rui Cui, recipient of the 2013 award, PhD in Finance, is now in the private sector.
- Rui Da, recipient of the 2020 award, PhD student in Econometrics and Statistics at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business.
- Christina Dan Wang, recipient of the 2011 award, is now Assistant Professor in the Department of Statistics at Columbia University.
- Maryam Farboodi, recipient of the 2013 award, PhD in Financial Economics, is now Assistant Professor of Economics at Princeton University.
- Kun Gao, recipient of the 2011 award, is now in the private sector.
- Valentin Haddad, recipient of the 2011 award, is now Assistant Professor at UCLA Anderson School of Management.
- Peter Hansen, recipient of the 2015 award, is now a Visiting Assistant Professor of Economics at NYU.
- Mark Hendricks received the Stevanovich Award in 2011. He is currently the Associate Director for the University of Chicago Master’s program in Financial Mathematics.
- Yunzhi Hu, recipient of the 2016 award, is an Assistant Professor of Finance at UNC Kenan-Flagler Business School, Chapel Hill, NC.
- Paymon Khorrami, recipient of the 2016 award, is a PhD student in Finance and Economics at the Booth School of Business, University of Chicago.
- Serhiy Kozak, recipient of the 2012 award, is now an Assistant Professor of Finance at the University of Michigan’s Ross School of Business.
- Simone Lenzu, recipeint of the 2017 Stevanovich award, is a PhD candidate in Economics at the University of Chicago.
- Jian Li, recipient of the 2020 award, student in the joint PhD program of Financial Economics at the University of Chicago.
- Marco Loseto, PhD student in Economics, The University of Chicago.
- Diogo Palhares, recipient of the 2012 award, is now in the private sector.
- Aaron Pancost, recipient of the 2015 award, is Assistant Professor at the University of Texas McCombs School of Business.
- Stefano Pegoraro, recipient of the 2019 award, is a PhD Candidate in Financial Economics, Department of Economics and Booth School of Business, University of Chicago.
- Yoann Potiron, recipient of the 2015 award, is Assistant Professor at Keio University, Business and Commerce.
- Aleksei Oskolkov, PhD student in Economics at the University of Chicago, received the 2023 award.
- Fabrice Tourre, recipient of the 2015 award, is a Postdoctoral Visitor at Northwestern University, Department of Economics.
- Emil Stoltenberg, recipient of the 2020 award, is now Assistant Professor at the BI Norwegian Business School in Oslo.
- Katharine Turner, recipient of the 2014 Stevanovich award, PhD in Mathematics, is now at the Australian National University.
- Willem van Vliet, recipient of the 2017 award, is a PhD candidate in Economics, Becker Friedman Institute, University of Chicago.
- Ruming Wang, recipient of the 2015 award, now works in the private sector.
- Hongcen Wei, recipient of the 2019 award, PhD Candidate in Economics, University of Chicago.
To learn about the Stevanovich Awards application process, visit our dedicated webpage.