Harald Uhlig
Professor in Economics and the College, and Chairman of the Department of Economics
Harald Uhlig, born 1961, is Professor at the Department of Economics of the University of Chicago since 2007 and was chairman of that department from 2009 to 2012. Previously, he held positions at Princeton, Tilburg University and the Humboldt Universität Berlin. He served as co-editor of Econometrica from 2006 to 2010, and is current co-editor of the JPE, since April 2012. He is a consultant of the Bundesbank and the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago. He chaired the CEPR business cycle dating committee from 2005 to 2012. He is a fellow of the Economic Society, a recipient of the Gossen Preis of the Verein für Socialpolitik and is a member of the CEPR and the NBER. Harald Uhlig is a specialist in applied quantitative theory and applied quantitative methods in economics. Uhlig’s research interests include macroeconomics, business cycles, financial markets, economic policy and Bayesian time series analysis. In particular, he is interested in studying the interrelation of macroeconomics and financial markets, and the role of monetary and fiscal policy.